OrganiShield – One Gallon
The perfect size for small- to mid-sized growers, farms, greenhouses and nurseries. Watch your bug problems disappear with OrganiShield, an organic and EPA-approved bug management solution.
OrganiShield comes as a concentrate. Our gallon size makes up to 126 gallons of bug control spray depending on desired strength.
For infestations:
- Mix 80 ml of OrganiShield with one gallon of water. Our product is safe up to 100 ml.
- Spray every other day until bugs are eliminated; then follow a maintenance schedule of every 7 to 10 days using 40 ml of OrganiShield per gallon of water.
- Agitate mixture occasionally.
- Apply thoroughly; spray bottoms of leaves up then spray top down until run off.
- Must make contact with bugs.
- Foliar application.
- Day or night; lights on or off.
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