About OrganiShield

Frequently Asked Questions

OrganiShield  has a unique mode of action which creates holes in the target pest, causing rapid death from desiccation (drying out). Results are usually noticed with in minutes to hours of the spray making solid contact with targeted insects.

OrganiShield has a unique mode of action which creates holes in the target pest, causing rapid death from desiccation (drying out). Results are usually noticed with in minutes to hours of the spray making solid contact with targeted insects.

When used as directed OrganiShield is as safe as soap. It causes no skin irritation to humans, livestock, or pets. And just like soap, OrganiShield should not be sprayed directly in human or animal eyes. If you do get Organishield in your eyes. Flush the eyes with water. OrganiShield will cause no permanent eye damage. Like getting soap in your eye.

Yes. The ingredients in OrganiShield rapidly breakdowns to leave no build up or residue in or on the areas sprayed. OrganiShield will not harm or contaminate food if any spray gets in or on it. The active ingredients which is Food Safe enjoys a tolerance exemption in and on all food commodities.


OrganiShield concentrate has 3-year shelf like. Once the product is mixed, we recommend using it within a couple of months. Simply shake up the unused amount and spray.

Yes. OrganiShield is safe to use around people. And it is also a Food Safe Product.

Yes, it is very common. The source of sucrose octanoate, such as sugar cane or sugar beet, can have natural variations in their composition. These variations can influence the color and odor of our final products active ingredient Sucrose Octanoate. The manufacturing process of sucrose octanoate may involve heating, reactions, or other treatments. Variations in processing conditions, such as temperature, pressure, or reaction time, can impact the final product’s characteristics, including smell and color.

“It’s important to note that these fluctuations in smell and color do not indicate a problem with the quality or safety of sucrose octanoate. At OrganiShield we implement the highest quality control measures to ensure that our product meets the necessary specifications and standards. However, variations can occur due to the complex nature of organic chemistry and the influence of environmental factors.”

The Science Behind Organishield

OrganiShield is an EPA-registered biopesticide that controls a wide range of soft-bodied insects. Located in the US, we provide a product with safe and effective products that cannot be found anywhere else but in the US.

OrganiShield is approved for both indoor and outdoor environments and is safe for use on all types of plants, including fruits, vegetables, trees, and ornamental plants like roses. Our product effectively manages pests such as Adelgids, Aphids, Armyworms, Caterpillars, Glassy-winged Sharpshooters, Lacebugs, Leafhoppers, Mealybugs, Mites, Plant Bugs, Psyllids, Soft Scale, Tent caterpillars, Thrips, Fungus gnats, Whiteflies, and many more.

Sustainable and Reliable Pest Control with OrganiShield

OrganiShield is approved for both indoor and outdoor environments and is safe for use on all types of plants, including fruits, vegetables, trees, and ornamental plants like roses. Our product effectively manages pests such as Adelgids, Aphids, Armyworms, Caterpillars, Glassy-winged Sharpshooters, Lacebugs, Leafhoppers, Mealybugs, Mites, Plant Bugs, Psyllids, Soft Scale, Tent caterpillars, Thrips, Fungus gnats, Whiteflies, and many more.

about the company

Discovering OrganiShield

In the late 1990s, a team of researchers discovered something fascinating about certain plants. They found that some plants in nature secrete a particular molecule called sucrose octanoate from the tiny hairs on their leaves to ward off pests. They were amazed to learn that this molecule had insecticidal properties, dissolving the waxy protective coating of target pests, causing them to dry out and die.

Inspired by nature’s solution, the team embarked on years of research to find a way to produce this molecule for organic insecticidal purposes on a commercially viable scale. Finally, they succeeded in formulating a process and methodology to create OrganiShield , with its active ingredient sucrose octanoate. This breakthrough allowed them to bring nature’s most effective and safest pest control to the world.

And so, the story of OrganiShield began, rooted in the discovery of a remarkable molecule and the power of nature, providing an unparalleled, eco-friendly solution for pest control.


Safe for people, plants, animals and the planet.


Thoroughly tested & Certified


100% natural & organic ingredients

Organishield is Safe For All

According to the U.S. EPA, the substance biodegrades quickly, reducing the potential for adverse biochemical or chemical interactions. Products containing sucrose octanoate esters (SOEs) break down into inert components including sucrose, fatty acids, carbon

According to the U.S. EPA, the substance biodegrades quickly, reducing the potential for adverse biochemical or chemical interactions. Products containing sucrose octanoate esters (SOEs) break down into inert components including sucrose, fatty acids, carbon

According to the U.S. EPA, the substance biodegrades quickly, reducing the potential for adverse biochemical or chemical interactions. Products containing sucrose octanoate esters (SOEs) break down into inert components including sucrose, fatty acids, carbon

OrganiShield: Safe Around Beneficial Insects and Pollinators!

OrganiShield is non-toxic to beneficial insects, including Lady Beetles (Harmonia spp., Curinus coeruleus Mulsant, Cycloneda sanguinea L., Olla v-nigrum Mulsant), Green Lacewing (Chrysopidae rufilabris), Red Scale Parasitoid (Aphytis melinus De Bach), Insidious Flower Bug (Orius insidiosus Say), and honeybees (Apis mellifera L) (LD50 > 80 ug/bee). Our product ensures that while harmful pests are controlled, beneficial insects and pollinators remain safe, promoting a healthy and balanced ecosystem.

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